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jackal_desktop: jackal_msgs | jackal_viz

Package Summary

Visualization launchers and helpers for Jackal.

jackal_desktop: jackal_msgs | jackal_viz

Package Summary

Visualization launchers and helpers for Jackal.

jackal_desktop: jackal_msgs | jackal_viz

Package Summary

Visualization launchers and helpers for Jackal.

jackal_desktop: jackal_msgs | jackal_viz

Package Summary

Visualization launchers and helpers for Jackal.


This package provides launchers and rviz configurations to assist with visualizing real or simulated Jackal from a desktop environment. For help getting your desktop environment set up to use with Jackal, see the Jackal homepage.

For more information on simulating Jackal, see jackal_simulator.


To view the Jackal model in isolation, disconnected from a real or simulated robot, use the following launcher:

roslaunch jackal_viz view_model.launch

To visualize a real or simulated Jackal, launch:

roslaunch jackal_viz view_robot.launch

For more examples, see Jackal Tutorials.


If you'd like to bring up a specific rviz configuration, you can add an arg to the view_robot launcher, for example:

roslaunch jackal_viz view_robot.launch config:=navigation

The configurations available are:

robot (default)

The default configuration includes the RobotModel plugin, and displays Jackal in the odom frame, which will move the model about in rviz as you drive around.


This configuration also displays Jackal in the odom frame and displays all the visualization information that local navigation provides including global plan, trajectory and local costmap. The desired navigation Pose for the robot to achieve can be set using 2D Nav Goal.


Gmapping configuration displays Jackal in the map frame. It includes InteractiveMarker plugin so you can drive the robot around to build the map. It also includes Map plugin to visualize the map being constructed.


This configuration also displays Jackal in the map frame and includes PoseArray plugin which display the localization system's uncertainty about the robot's pose. It also includes visualization information of the known map, global costmap, trajectory associated with the velocity commands and global plan. The localization system can be initialized by setting the pose of the robot in the known map using 2D Pose Estimate.

2025-03-08 15:53