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Only released in EOL distros:  

denso: denso_controller | denso_launch | vs060 | vs060_moveit_config

Package Summary

Packages in the denso suite provide controller functionality for Denso's industrial manipulators.

ORiN (Open Robot interface for the Network) is a unified network interface for industrial robot applications and has been stably utilized in Denso's manipulators for years. Controllers in this package suite uses b-CAP, UDP-based control protocol defined in ORiN. It also has mechanism to detect faulty commands. Using b-CAP, ROS communicates to the embedded controller computer that has been achieving industry-proven reliability. The computer also has mechanism to detect faulty commands. That said as a whole the system maintains the same level of safeness with their commercial product setting.

Also, as a genuine ROS package, it enables robot application developers to access full ROS features. MoveIt! configuration package is also included for some of Denso's robots.

Core functionality

denso: denso_controller | denso_launch | vs060 | vs060_gazebo | vs060_moveit_config

Package Summary

Packages in the denso suite provide controller functionality for Denso's industrial manipulators.

ORiN (Open Robot interface for the Network) is a unified network interface for industrial robot applications and has been stably utilized in Denso's manipulators for years. Controllers in this package suite uses b-CAP, UDP-based control protocol defined in ORiN. It also has mechanism to detect faulty commands. Using b-CAP, ROS communicates to the embedded controller computer that has been achieving industry-proven reliability. The computer also has mechanism to detect faulty commands. That said as a whole the system maintains the same level of safeness with their commercial product setting.

Also, as a genuine ROS package, it enables robot application developers to access full ROS features. MoveIt! configuration package is also included for some of Denso's robots.

Core functionality

denso: denso_launch | denso_ros_control | vs060 | vs060_gazebo | vs060_moveit_config

Package Summary

Packages in the denso suite provide controller functionality for Denso's industrial manipulators.

ORiN (Open Robot interface for the Network) is a unified network interface for industrial robot applications and has been stably utilized in Denso's manipulators for years. Controllers in this package suite uses b-CAP, UDP-based control protocol defined in ORiN. It also has mechanism to detect faulty commands. Using b-CAP, ROS communicates to the embedded controller computer that has been achieving industry-proven reliability. The computer also has mechanism to detect faulty commands. That said as a whole the system maintains the same level of safeness with their commercial product setting.

Also, as a genuine ROS package, it enables robot application developers to access full ROS features. MoveIt! configuration package is also included for some of Denso's robots.

Core functionality


EXPERIMENTAL: This status indicates that this software is experimental code at best. There are known issues and missing functionality. The APIs are completely unstable and likely to change. Use in production systems is not recommended. All code starts at this level. For more information see the ROS-Industrial software status page.


This package should be replaced by newer denso_robot_ros package which is made and maintained by the robot vendor (DENSO) officially. 'denso' package remains for reference but may not be released in next ROS distro.

Robots using denso package

Maker's web site

Image of robots

ROS package (if any)


VS-060 taken at iREX2013 by @ysuga



On your Ubuntu machine where ROS hydro is installed:

$ sudo apt-get install ros-hydro-denso

This command will have the following packages at minimum installed:

During experimental phase

It's recommended while this package is still in the experimental status that you install the latest binary from shadow-fixed repository. If you're unsure what it is, do the following:

  1. Open /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ros-latest.list. If it doesn't exist, create one.
  2. Comment out any entries taht contain packages.ros.org
  3. Add these lines:
            # Shadow-fixed
            deb http://packages.ros.org/ros-shadow-fixed/ubuntu precise main
            deb-src http://packages.ros.org/ros-shadow-fixed/ubuntu precise main
  4. Run on terminal:
            $ sudo apt-get update
            $ sudo apt-get dist-upgrade
  5. Remove above portion of entries once apt-get finishes.

Again, do NOT forget to roll back apt's source list by number 5 above. shadow-fixed is a testing bed and binaries stored are not yet officially released.

Latest version is, as of 12/11/2013, 0.2.5, or if you're doubtful about it (yes we can easily forget to update the wiki), check it out at build status page.

Running robots

denso_launch package wiki page shows how to run robots virtually.

Running Denso's VS060 in a simple world

First, if you run it for the first time, install prerequisite.

$ rosdep install vs060
$ ros-$YOUR_ROSDISTRO$-moveit-ros-visualization  (may not be necessary)

You can run VS060 manipulator on RViz by the following:

$ roslaunch denso_launch denso_vs060_moveit_demo_simulation.launch 

Then you can plan the arm's pose by using Interactive Markers, then actually move it to there by hitting Plan & Execute on MoveIt!'s RViz plugin.

vs060_rviz_launch_1.png vs060_rviz_launch_2.png

You can simulate object avoidance too by placing objects in RViz. Here for example with tabletop.


Youtube example:

VS060 in iREX 2013 demo

You can run it on RViz by:

$ roslaunch vs060_moveit_config demo_simulation_cage.launch

You'll see VS060 sitting in a bit more restricted situation. vs060_irex_rviz.png

The actual robot is moving in the same but real environment:

VS060 integrated with vision (xtion)

Using Web Operator

Using rwt_moveit (package work in progress here) you can operate this robot via WebGL-enabled web browsers. denso/rwt_moveit_denso_1.png rwt_moveit_obstacle_1.png

Using Cartesian Path Planner Plug-In

Cartesian Path Planner Plug-In from ROS-Industrial.

Software Design, Writing Programs

Module Relations


How to write programs

See tutorial page in open_industrial_ros_controllers package.

Software architecture thoughts

As of today denso is built on top of open_industrial_ros_controllers, yet another controller package in ROS (in addition to industrial, ros_control, hrpsys to name a few) for a number of reasons. This should be considered temporary and is planned to change. Please see a summary here for a bit more detail.


Future plan


Okada et.al (2013), "Design and Development of Open Source Contoller for Industrial Robots", 14th System Integration Division Annual Conference, Kobe, Japan (in Japanese)

2025-03-08 15:46