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XBot_Head is an android application which used for XBot Robot .

Xbot_Head can recognise specific faces with the support of recognition server.User can register by just a few steps. What is more,it can control the media player of android devices to play audio files that is about The Software Museum of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

Xbot_Head communicates with the Xbot by Rosbridge_suite Protocal which can ameliorate the interaction of Ros devices compared with RosJava.


1.Before using this application, please make sure the Ros Server and the Recognition Server have been started correctly.

2.After Xbot_Head application started,the Ip address of Ros Server and Ip address of Recognition Server should be configured correctly in the setting page of Xbot_Head.


1.User registration :User can register into our service by taking a photo of head portrait.Then the photo will be sent to Recognition Server.At next time the rocognition server will recognise who he/she is.

2.Face Recognition & Audio Commentary :After face detection and face recognition ,the app will greet to user and then begin to play audio files which is about The Software Museum of Chinese Academy of Sciences.

3.Voice Command Word Recognition :When android device started to play audio commentary,user can speak out some Chinese words to control the playing state of media player.

Ros Topic Statement

There are two kinds of topic :

1. /tts_status :After the commentary audio started , the backgroud service of application will publish /tts_status continuously. The message used in /tts_status is:

  int32 id
  bool isplaying

int32 id-- The commentary id that the media player is playing at now. Initial value is -1.When first commentary started ,It will changed to 0.

bool isplaying -- Whether the media is playing .

2./museum_position: When application started ,it will subscribe this topic in order to know the current status of the movebase.The message used in /museum_position is :

  int32 id
  bool ismoving

int32 id -- Current id of area which Xbot is in.

bool ismoving -- Whether the movebase is moving.

For more informaition about Xbot_Head please visit github:https://github.com/lazyparser/xbot_head.

What Next?

2025-03-08 20:50