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Package Summary
The um7 package provides a C++ implementation of the CH Robotics serial protocol, and a corresponding ROS node for publishing standard ROS orientation topics from a UM7.
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Daniel Miller <dgmiller AT ncsu DOT edu>, Tony Baltovski <tbaltovski AT clearpathrobotics DOT com>
- Author: Mike Purvis <mpurvis AT clearpathrobotics DOT com>, Alex Brown <rbirac AT cox DOT net>
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: indigo-devel)
The um7 package provides a ROS driver node for the CH Robotics UM7 Orientation sensor (IMU). It communicates with the UM7 over its serial bus, converts the data to ROS standards, and publishes the data on standard ROS topics.
The sensor hardware includes 3 axis angular rate, acceleration and magnetometer data. It has a built-in Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) which generates orientation data for all three axes in both Quaternion and Euler form. It also provides a sensor temperature reading.
The UM7 is available directly from or from other sellers, e.g. It is available in two forms: the UM7-LT which is an unenclosed circuit board and the UM7 which provides an enclosure. This driver supports both.
CH Robotics also provides "CHRobotics Serial Interface" software which allows complete configuration of the sensor, testing capability and Calibration for the magnetometer. This software runs on Windows.
Hardware Installation:
The sensor should be mounted on the vehicle in the default configuration if possible (see below). If you don't, you will have to perform transforms of the data in your applications to restore the proper orientation of the readings.
The sensor should be mounted parallel to the Earth with the component side pointed up. To optimize performance, you can shim the sensor mounting so that the X and Y acceleration signals are zero when the vehicle is level. To minimize cross-coupling between the X and Y axis, the sensor should be pointed in the direction of normal forward movement of the vehicle as accurately as practical. (see pictures below)
To optimize magnetometer data, the sensor should be located as far as practical from iron parts on the vehicle, from electrical motors and from high current power wires. Suitable places on the vehicle can be found by using a hand-held compass. With power on the vehicle, verify that the compass heading in the proposed location is close to the heading of the compass when held far from the vehicle and any sources of magnetic distortion. Retest with any electric motors running.
A magnetometer calibration procedure is provided by the CHRobotics Serial Interface software. Unfortunately, no directions for this procedure are in the UM7 documentation. Procedures for the predecessor device, the UM6, can be found at: and will work with minor adaptations.
Software Installation:
- um7 is released for indigo, but should work under hydro and may work in later versions.
sudo apt-get install ros-noetic-um7
Run the driver:
note: replace "ttyUSB0" below with the port number of your UM7 device. See /dev
rosrun um7 um7_driver _port:=/dev/ttyUSB0
Note: the "port" assignment actually defaults to "/dev/ttyUSB0", so if your sensor is on that port, the parameter setting shown above is unnecessary.
Note: if you get a "Couldn't find executable named um7_driver below /opt/ros/noetic/share/um7" message, try restarting linux. I don't know why; but it has happened to me a couple times. It should only happen on the first attempt to run.
imu/data (sensor_msgs/Imu)
- Filtered orientation, accelerations and angular rotations:
- orientation is specified as a quaternion. It is only available if quat_mode is selected (default). 3 axis angular rotations are specified in radians/second. 3 axis accelerations are specified in meters/second/second.
- Note: each of these has a covariance matrix in the topic format. The UM7 does not supply covariance data so these matrices are set to all zeros, meaning "data unknown". A parameter (below) is available to set covariance of the quaternion data to alternate fixed values if you need to do so.
imu/mag (geometry_mags/Vector3Stamped)
- Filtered magnetometer data from sensor.
- provided as 3D orientation in X,Y,Z.
imu/rpy (geometry_msgs/Vector3Stamped)
- Roll, Pitch and Yaw angles for sensed orientation:
- angles are specified in radians.
imu/temperature (std_msgs/Float32)
- temperature of sensor device in degrees centigrade.
Note: To clarify data polarities, I will describe them in terms of aircraft motion. NU/ND is aircraft nose up (as in climbing or nose down as in descent. RWD/LWD is right wing down as in an aircraft turning to the right in flight; left wing down to turn to the left. NR/NL is nose right as if the aircraft is turning right on the ground, and nose left for turn to the left.
angular rotation about the X axis (roll) is positive for RWD. rotation about the Y axis (pitch) is positive for ND. Rotation about the Z axis (yaw) is positive for NL.
Angular positions are the same polarities as angular rate. ND is positive, RWD is positive and NL is positive:
Acceleration in the X axis is positive for acceleration in the forward direction. Acceleration in the Y axis is positive for acceleration to the left Acceleration in the Z axis is positive for acceleration in the upward direction.
- Note: The full set of sensor parameters comes as a factory configuration. They can all be modified with the CHRobotics Serial Interface software. However the um7_driver has a default configuration which sets the transmission rate of all the parameters to 20 hz and the baud rate of the sensor to 115200.
- Note: Be aware that while all these are "private" parameters, they are stored on the parameter server. Any parameters you set to a non-default condition will be used again the next time you restart um7_driver unless you specifically set them back to the default.
~port(string, default: /dev/ttyUSB0)
- Serial device to connect to.
~baud (int, default: 115200)
- baud rate that sensor is set to. Currently, default configuration above sets the sensor to 115200.
~frame_id(string, default: imu_link)
- frame_id placed in the header of the data, mag, and rpy messages
~mag_updates(bool, default: true)
- include magnetometer data in the pose estimate. This causes the yaw parameter to track to magnetic heading but with a long filter time constant. Otherwise, the yaw value will tend to drift slowly but continuously.
~quat_mode(bool, default: true)
- This sets the EKF in quaternion mode where it generates the quaternion data necessary for the orientation data in the imu/data message. If not true, the orientation data will read 0,0,0,1 (all 0 degree attitudes)
~zero_gyros(bool, default: true)
- If true, the um7_driver will send a zero_gyros command to the sensor at driver startup. This command causes the sensor to average gyro readings over about 1 second to determine the null value of the gyros. The vehicle must be stationary during this command.
~covariance(string, default: "0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0")
- The UM7 sensor does not provide covariance data so the default imu/data values are set to all zero indicating unknown data. However, some ROS applications may require covariance data for the orientation data. This parameter allows you to specify a string of fixed floating point values (separated by spaces) suitable for your needs.
- The um7_driver provides three commands which can be sent to the sensor. These commands are sent with the Reset service. The command message is:
- Reset.srv
- bool zero_gyros
- bool reset_ekf
- bool set_mag_ref
- if true, causes the sensor to recalculate the angular gyro nulls. The robot must be stationary when this command is issued and remain so for at least a second.
- if true, causes the Extended Kalman Filter to restart.
- if true, causes the EKF (if the mag_updates parameter is set) to change its magnetic heading reference from zero degrees to whatever the current value of magnetic heading happens to be. This change will ramp in over a 5 or 10 second (roughly) time constant.