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Only released in EOL distros:  

teo_robot: teo_2dnav | teo_apps | teo_base | teo_battery_monitor | teo_gazebo_plugin | teo_hri_teleop | teo_rosbag_filters | teo_sim

Package Summary

FME Laser Navigation Given a path or map made by LaserScan and Pose pairs, it should follow this path localisating itself using the icp between the current LaserScan and the path one..


  • shortest if true uses the shortest path as the map if false uses the safest


Outdoor obstacle avoidance and hole detection with a time-of-flight camera


This application implements a method to integrate a time of flight camera on an all terrain outdoor mobile robot to enhance its reactive navigation capabilities. The developed algorithms include sensor data processing for obstacle and hole detection, as well as a planer to take into account the non-holonomic property of the platform.


The next scheme shows the relationship between the original nodes of the pcl and navigation stacks (gray), and the nodes used in this application (white).


IRI nodes:


This section indicates the steps to follow to run the application once the related dependences have been acquired.

B-spline addition to global planner:

To use this software it is expected to launch your robot with the ROS navigation stack, inwhich the navfn node will be modified by a B-spline addition.

  1. Download iri_bspline_navfn, rename it to navfn.

  2. Double-check your ROS_PACKAGE_PATH to ensure that new navfn package is found in the correct precedence order (ROS needs to find the new navfn package to use it with the navigation stack, thus we indicate firstly the path of the new navfn node in the ROS_PACKAGE_PATH).

  3. Compile the new navfn package (rosmake).

To verify this procedure once the new navfn is compiled, one can run 'roscd navfn' and ensure that the current path is the correct one.

Vision system:

Example Videos

This video shows the use of the provided software.

2025-03-08 20:46