Only released in EOL distros:
summit_xl_common: summit_xl_control | summit_xl_description | summit_xl_localization | summit_xl_navigation | summit_xl_pad
Package Summary
URDF description of the Summit XL and Summit XL HL and omni versions
- Maintainer status: maintained
- Maintainer: Angel Soriano <asoriano AT robotnik DOT es>, Álvaro Villena <avillena AT robotnik DOT es>, David Redó <dredo AT robotnik DOT es>, Alejandro Arnal <aarnal AT robotnik DOT es>, Marc Bosch <mbosch AT robotnik DOT es>, Román Navarro <rnavarro AT robotnik DOT es>
- Author: Roberto Guzmán <rguzman AT robotnik DOT es>, Román Navarro <rnavarro AT robotnik DOT es>
- License: BSD
- Bug / feature tracker:
- Source: git (branch: kinetic-devel)
The urdf, meshes, and other elements needed in the description are contained here. The standard camera configurations have been included (w/wo sphere_camera, w/wo axis_camera, etc.). This package includes the description of the Summit XL, Summit XL OMNI (and HL versions) mobile platforms. The package includes also some launch files to publish the robot state and to test the urdf files in rviz.