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Using the GUI

The hand can be controlled from the ROS rqt_gui in a number of ways using the plugins in the sr_visualization stack.

Writing a simple node

This is a simple program that links one finger joint to another: it subscribes to the topic publishing a parent joints position data, and publishes the data of the selected parent joint as a target for it's child joint. This will simply make the child joint move together with the parent joint.

NB: To send a new target to a joint, you simply need to publish a std_msgs/Float64 message to the appropriate controllers command topic.

The full list of joints to send targets to the hand is: wrj1, wrj2, ffj4, ffj3, ffj0, mfj4, mfj3, mfj0, rfj4, rfj3, rfj0, lfj5, lfj4, lfj3, lfj0, thj5, thj4, thj3, thj2, thj1.

   1 import roslib; roslib.load_manifest('sr_hand')
   2 import rospy
   3 from sr_robot_msgs.msg import JointControllerState
   4 from std_msgs.msg import Float64
   6 parent_name = "ffj3"
   7 child_name = "mfj3"
  10 def callback(data):
  11     """
  12     The callback function: called each time a message is received on the 
  13     topic parent joint controller state topic
  15     @param data: the message
  16     """
  17     # publish the message to the child joint controller command topic.
  18     # here we insert the joint name into the topic name
  19     pub = rospy.Publisher('/sh_'+child_name+'_mixed_position_velocity_controller/command', Float64)
  20     pub.publish(data.set_point)
  23 def listener():
  24     """
  25     The main function
  26     """
  27     # init the ros node
  28     rospy.init_node('joints_link_test', anonymous=True)
  30     # init the subscriber: subscribe to the
  31     # child joint controller topic, using the callback function
  32     # callback()
  33     rospy.Subscriber('/sh_'+parent_name+'_mixed_position_velocity_controller/state', JointControllerState, callback)
  34     # subscribe until interrupted
  35     rospy.spin()
  38 if __name__ == '__main__':
  39     listener()    

Let's look at this code.

   1 from sr_robot_msgs.msg import JointControllerState
   2 from std_msgs.msg import Float64

   1 def listener():
   2   [...]
   3     rospy.Subscriber('/sh_'+parent_name+'_mixed_position_velocity_controller/state', JointControllerState, callback)

   1 def callback(data):
   2   [...]
   3     pub = rospy.Publisher('/sh_'+child_name+'_mixed_position_velocity_controller/command', Float64)
   4     pub.publish(data.set_point)

Please note that you can find more examples in the sr_hand/examples directory.

Command Line Interactions

You can use the rostopic command to quickly check up on the system. For example the following command will print the current state for the selected joint (in this case ffj0).

$ rostopic echo /sh_ffj0_mixed_position_velocity_controller/state

You can also send a target to the hand like this:

$ rostopic pub /sh_ffj0_mixed_position_velocity_controller/command Float64 0.5

2025-03-08 20:45