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  1. 安装配置你的ROS环境

    • 在这个教程里,将会主要讲解如何安装ROS以及如何配置计算机系统环境。
  2. ROS文件系统

    • 这一节主要介绍ROS文件系统的基本概念,同时会涵盖常用的命令工具,比如roscd, rosls, 和 rospack

  3. 创建一个 ROS Package

    • 本教程主要介绍用roscreate-pkg 创建一个新的包(package), 和使用 rospack 列出包(package) 目录.

  4. Building a ROS Package

    • This tutorial covers using rosmake to build a package, and rosdep to install system dependencies.

  5. Understanding ROS Nodes

    • This tutorial introduces ROS graph concepts and discusses the use of roscore, rosnode, and rosrun command-line tools.

  6. Understanding ROS Topics

    • This tutorial introduces ROS topics as well as using the rostopic and rxplot command-line tools.

  7. 熟悉ROS services(服务)和parameters(参数)

    • 这一节会介绍ROS service和parameters。同时会涉及到相关命令如rosservicerosparam

  8. Using rxconsole and roslaunch

    • This tutorial introduces ROS using rxconsole and rxloggerlevel for debugging and roslaunch for starting many nodes at once.

  9. Using rosed to edit files in ROS

    • This tutorial shows how to use rosed to make editing easier.

  10. Creating a ROS msg and srv

    • This tutorial covers how to create and build msg and srv files as well as the rosmsg, rossrv, roscp, and rosmake commandline tools.

  11. Writing a Simple Publisher and Subscriber (Python)

    • This tutorial covers how to write a publisher and subscriber node in python.
  12. Writing a Simple Publisher and Subscriber (C++)

    • This tutorial covers how to write a publisher and subscriber node in C++.
  13. Examining the Simple Publisher and Subscriber

    • This tutorial examines running the simple publisher and subscriber.
  14. Writing a Simple Service and Client (Python)

    • This tutorial covers how to write a service and client node in python.
  15. Writing a Simple Service and Client (C++)

    • This tutorial covers how to write a service and client node in C++.
  16. Examining the Simple Service and Client

    • This tutorial examines running the simple service and client.
  17. Recording and playing back data

    • This tutorial will teach you how to record data from a running ROS system into a .bag file, and then to play back the data to produce similar behavior in a running system
  18. Getting started with roswtf

    • Basic introduction to the roswtf tool.

  19. Navigating the ROS wiki

    • This tutorial discusses the layout of the ROS wiki (ros.org) and talks about how to find what you want to know.

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More client API tutorials can be found in the relevant package (roscpp, rospy, roslisp)

  1. Creating a ROS package by hand

    • This tutorial explains how to manually create a ROS package.
  2. Roslaunch tips for large projects

    • This tutorial describes some tips for writing roslaunch files for large projects. The focus is on how to structure launch files so they may be reused as much as possible in different situations. We'll use the 2dnav_pr2 package as a case study.
  3. Running ROS across multiple machines

    • This tutorial explains how to start a ROS system using two machines. It explains the use of ROS_MASTER_URI to configure multiple machines to use a single master.

  4. Defining Custom Messages

2025-03-08 20:40