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There are two main motivations for this manipulation research: developing behavior-based tabletop manipulation techniques and utilizing arm perceptual data for abnormality or collision detection.

Behavior-based Manipulation

For most human-robot interaction (HRI) applications, it is important to have predictable behavior. Not only does this make HRI research more safe, but it is also more comforting to naive users. In addition, repeatable behavior can be more precisely characterized. While arm planning has made significant advancements in recent years, it is far from a mature science. Planning-based manipulation often demonstrates unpredictable behavior such as grasping objects using strange motions, while behavior-based approaches will move reliably to their predefined goals. Also, these motions can more easily integrated into larger design applications since their parameters are easily understandable. When adding manipulation to a suite of other robot actions, developers can use those motions naively knowing the conditions under which they succeed.

The complexity of planning also generates issues. While calculating plans in task space is now relatively quick, computing plans for many different object grasps can multiply the time requirements, making the manipulation much slower. Also, planning algorithms often consume a large percentage of system resources, leaving less room for simultaneous processes. Furthermore, planning is sometimes not complete, often reporting unwarranted failure due to sensor noise or mis-calibration. This utility attempts to sidestep all of the problems associated with planning by exploiting a generally applicable property of tabletop manipulation, that the object is cleared for grasping above. Our technique is designed to be a faster and lighter behavior-based response to tabletop manipulation and was inspired by the research presented in Advait Jain and Charles C. Kemp's "EL-E: An Assistive Mobile Manipulator that Autonomously Fetches Objects from Flat Surfaces".

Robotic Arm Perception

While there has been much research into using specific sensors like vision or pressure sensors to prevent environmental collisions, it is just as important to detect them when they occur. Collision detection can be used both in safety assurance to avoid damaging itself or the environment, or as a tool to achieve the specified goals. This package primarily does the latter, exploiting the fact that during an overhead grasp, the gripper must either collide with the object in the palm of the gripper, or the table, in which case the object is between the fingertips. Functionality also exists which attempts to differentiate between desired collisions and unexpected abnormalities by supplying an expected z-collision goal. This domain is well suited for collision detection by nature of the parameterization of the arm trajectories. The actions are crafted in such a way that expected perceptions should be similar to nearby grasps in the overhead grasping space. In this much smaller and smoother space, clean grasps can be sampled and compared to perception monitored in real-time.

Grasping Details


The overhead grasping process requires only three inputs, the x-y location on the table, and the gripper z-orientation. When called, the arm moves to the grasp configuration at a predefined height and moves directly down using interpolated IK. The IK calls are biased to prefer joint angles which keep the elbows up and away from the table. Motion continues for 30cm or until a collision is detected. It is assumed that when a collision is detected, the gripper has collided with either the object or the table. The gripper then closes on the object, and lifts the object back to its initial grasping position.


The tabletop_object_detector package is interfaced to detect objects and the object_manipulator package is used to find their pose. When grasping the closest object to a point, the poses of all the objects on the table are found, the closest x-y object is selected, and the rotation is found by aligning the gripper with the z-rotation of the bounding box. The box is identified by projecting the object's point cloud into the table and using PCA to find the major and minor axis and the minimum and maximum points along these directions to find the edges. The robot is blind for the remainder of the grasp.

Collision Detection

Collisions are detected by monitoring almost every arm sensor available: the accelerometer in the gripper, the joint angles, joint velocities, joint efforts, fingertip pressures, and the FK pose of the gripper. Abnormalities are detected by collecting grasp data over the space of overhead grasp configurations. For each x-y-rotation configuration region, nearby sensor data is processed to find expected sensor values and the variance of those values at each time step along the grasp trajectory. When monitoring an actual grasp, a z-test is performed for each sensor value at each time step to determine the probability this sensor value was sampled from the expected sensor data. An abnormality is reported when the joint probability of all of the sensor streams following the model (with a naive independence assumption) falls below a threshold. This approach is similar to Peter Pastor et. al.'s failure condition detection described in "Skill Learning and Performance Prediction for Manipulation", accepted for publication in the proceedings of the 2011 International Conference on Robotics and Automation. While their technique uses single z-tests over each coordinate, this method uses a joint probability over all coordinates simultaneously.

Laser Control

The laser_interface package offers functionality that allows users to point and click at locations in the world using a laser pointer "mouse" so that users can naturally direct the robot to perform actions at those places. This grasping package contains a demo which allows users to control tabletop manipulation using only the laser pointer. By pointing at an object on a table and double-clicking, the PR2 will grasp the closest object. When the object is in hand, double-clicking on a point on the table will place the object at that location. Also, double-clicking on a point away and above the table (at a person, ideally) will have the robot hand the object to the person. The pressure sensors are monitored to determine when to release the object.

Collecting Data

To monitor sensor data, model sensor data must first be collected. These two commands will first, collect grasp data by trying a series of grasps over the desired sampling space, and second, process the data gathered.

rosrun pr2_overhead_grasping overhead_grasping.py --cdata
rosrun pr2_overhead_grasping overhead_grasping.py --pdata

The first command requires robot supervision as it will be moving the entire time. The second command can be run overnight. Both of these commands can take several hours depending on the size of the grasping space established by the parameters. Currently, all parameters for the grasping package are set at the top of overhead_grasping.py.

Running the Demos

Before running the demos, the pipeline must be launched which runs helper nodes used by the main node. Run this launch file in the background before running the demos:

roslaunch pr2_overhead_grasping simple_grasp_pipeline.launch

There are currently three modes of grasping demonstration.

rosrun pr2_overhead_grasping overhead_grasping.py --randgrasp
rosrun pr2_overhead_grasping overhead_grasping.py --visiongrasp
rosrun pr2_overhead_grasping overhead_grasping.py --lasergrasp

The first mode tries random grasp motions in its sampled space repeatedly so that the sensitivity and different grasp patterns can be quickly evaluated. The second mode uses vision to grasp the object closest to a point near the middle of the table. After grasping the object, it places it in a random location. The third mode is laser controlled. Refer to the laser_interface documentation on how to get the laser pointing started (the launch file and user interface in this package must be called separately).

2025-03-08 16:03