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Short Term Goals

Longer Term / Future Goals

Designing pr2_calibration v2.0

Operate directly on a URDF

It's really quite strange that we have an intermediate robot representation internal to the calibration toolkit. We should be able to operate directly on a URDF.

Manipulate Calibration Sample Configurations

Be able to perform operations like the following, both online and offline:

Cleaner Set of Free Parameters

Free parameters should correspond to things native to the URDF, such as joints.

  trans: [1 1 1]
  rot: [1 1 1]
  ref_pos: 1
  trans: [1 1 1]
  rot: [1 1 1]
  ref_pos: 0

Use vector rotations

The optimization is much better conditioned if we use incremental rotations, instead of explicitly estimating the rotation parameters (rpy, quaternion, etc).

2025-03-08 16:02