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Package Summary

A Linux ROS C++ Node that wraps the driver API for IDS vision cameras using IDS peak software. Tested on Ubuntu 18.04 LTS.

Source: https://github.com/SherifN/peak_cam


1. install ROS: http://wiki.ros.org/ROS/Installation

2. install IDS peak: https://de.ids-imaging.com/download-vision-lin64.html

Running the code

0. Clone the repository to your Linux computer

1. Generate a ROS workspace

1. Copy the peak_cam package into your ROS workspace and build it

2. Set parameters such as ROS topic and acquisition rate under launch/params/peak_cam_params.yaml

3. Plug the IDS vision camera and launch the node

4. Stop the node with Ctrl-C (SIGINT) for controlled shutdown

For multiple cameras, create a .launch and a .yaml file for each camera.


Sometimes the cameras are only accesible as root. Try  sudo -s in your terminal and launch the node again to validate.

Maintainer: Sherif Nekkah

2025-03-08 16:01