[Documentation] [TitleIndex] [WordIndex

This tutorial series refers to the use of the openhab_bridge between ROS and openHAB, which works in both directions.

It is assumed that one has already mastered the basics from the ROS tutorials.

Core openhab_bridge Tutorials


1. Understanding the openHAB Event Bus

2. Installing the openhab_static_examples

3. Examining the openhab_static_examples

openHAB Bridge

1. Examining the openhab_msgs

2. Examining the openhab_bridge with HABApp (Python)

3. Examining the openhab_bridge without HABApp (Python)

4. Examining the openhab_bridge with C++ (C++)

5. Installing and Examining the openhab_bridge_subscriber

6. Installing and Examining the openhab_bridge_publisher

7. Examining the openhab_bridge Nodes

8. Examining the openhab_bridge Topics

ROS Python (rospy)


1. Writing and examining a Simple Subscriber for the Color Item Type (Python)

2. Writing and examining a Simple Subscriber for the Contact Item Type (Python)

3. Writing and examining a Simple Subscriber for the DateTime Item Type (Python)

4. Writing and examining a Simple Subscriber for the Dimmer Item Type (Python)

5. Writing and examining a Simple Subscriber for the Group Item Type (Python)

6. Writing and examining a Simple Subscriber for the Image Item Type (Python)

7. Writing and examining a Simple Subscriber for the Location Item Type (Python)

8. Writing and examining a Simple Subscriber for the Number Item Type (Python)

9. Writing and examining a Simple Subscriber for the Player Item Type (Python)

10. Writing and examining a Simple Subscriber for the Rollershutter Item Type (Python)

11. Writing and examining a Simple Subscriber for the String Item Type (Python)

12. Writing and examining a Simple Subscriber for the Switch Item Type (Python)

13. Writing and examining a Simple Subscriber for multiple Items of a Thing (Python)


1. Writing and examining a Simple Publisher for the Color Item Type (Python)

2. Writing and examining a Simple Publisher for the Contact Item Type (Python)

3. Writing and examining a Simple Publisher for the DateTime Item Type (Python)

4. Writing and examining a Simple Publisher for the Dimmer Item Type (Python)

5. Writing and examining a Simple Publisher for the Image Item Type (Python)

6. Writing and examining a Simple Publisher for the Location Item Type (Python)

7. Writing and examining a Simple Publisher for the Number Item Type (Python)

8. Writing and examining a Simple Publisher for the Player Item Type (Python)

9. Writing and examining a Simple Publisher for the Rollershutter Item Type (Python)

10. Writing and examining a Simple Publisher for the String Item Type (Python)

11. Writing and examining a Simple Publisher for the Switch Item Type (Python)

12. Writing and examining a Simple Publisher for multiple Items of a Thing (Python)

ROS C++ (roscpp)


1. Writing and examining a Simple Subscriber for the Color Item Type (C++)

2. Writing and examining a Simple Subscriber for the Contact Item Type (C++)

3. Writing and examining a Simple Subscriber for the DateTime Item Type (C++)

4. Writing and examining a Simple Subscriber for the Dimmer Item Type (C++)

5. Writing and examining a Simple Subscriber for the Group Item Type (C++)

6. Writing and examining a Simple Subscriber for the Image Item Type (C++)

7. Writing and examining a Simple Subscriber for the Location Item Type (C++)

8. Writing and examining a Simple Subscriber for the Number Item Type (C++)

9. Writing and examining a Simple Subscriber for the Player Item Type (C++)

10. Writing and examining a Simple Subscriber for the Rollershutter Item Type (C++)

11. Writing and examining a Simple Subscriber for the String Item Type (C++)

12. Writing and examining a Simple Subscriber for the Switch Item Type (C++)

13. Writing and examining a Simple Subscriber for multiple Items of a Thing (C++)


1. Writing and examining a Simple Publisher for the Color Item Type (C++)

2. Writing and examining a Simple Publisher for the Contact Item Type (C++)

3. Writing and examining a Simple Publisher for the DateTime Item Type (C++)

4. Writing and examining a Simple Publisher for the Dimmer Item Type (C++)

5. Writing and examining a Simple Publisher for the Image Item Type (C++)

6. Writing and examining a Simple Publisher for the Location Item Type (C++)

7. Writing and examining a Simple Publisher for the Number Item Type (C++)

8. Writing and examining a Simple Publisher for the Player Item Type (C++)

9. Writing and examining a Simple Publisher for the Rollershutter Item Type (C++)

10. Writing and examining a Simple Publisher for the String Item Type (C++)

11. Writing and examining a Simple Publisher for the Switch Item Type (C++)

12. Writing and examining a Simple Publisher for multiple Items of a Thing (C++)

Intermediate openhab_bridge Tutorials

1. Creating openHAB Items and Rules to run rosrun or roslaunch

2. Creating a openHAB Rule to run rosnode list

3. Creating a openHAB Rule to run rostopic list

4. Creating a openHAB Rule to run rosmsg show

5. Creating a openHAB Rule to run and stop a Publisher at a specific time.

6. Using the openhab_bridge_plotter

7. Using the openhab_bridge_plot_publisher

Advanced openhab_bridge Tutorials

ROS Python (rospy)

1. Subscribing multiple Items at the same time (Python).

2. Subscribing multiple Items with a minimum deviation at the same time (Python).

ROS C++ (roscpp)

1. Subscribing multiple Items at the same time (C++).

2. Subscribing multiple Items with a minimum deviation at the same time (C++).

Turtlesim examples

Coming soon... As example publishing current position to openhab. Creating a Rule for creating new turtles. Creating a Rule for publishing to goal topic. Changing Parametes via a Rule.

Turtlebot examples

Coming soon... Converting map topic to image and publishing it to openHAB Publising sensor informations to openHAB.

Pepper examples

Coming soon... Publishing camera images to openHAB. Using the speech input for controlling openHAB. Publising sensor informations to openHAB.

2025-03-08 16:00