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ROS Relevant NovAtel Products and Services

Hexagon | NovAtel® offers a wide range of products and services of great potential value to ROS users in addition to the novatel_oem7_driver.

OEM7 GNSS Receivers

https://wiki.ros.org/NovAtelApplicationsEngineering/draft_driver_page?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=NovAtelGNSS.png NovAtel creates world-class GNSS systems that can track constellations including:

The OEM7® GNSS product line from NovAtel offers further advanced options including:

More information is available here:

OEM7 SPAN Systems

https://wiki.ros.org/NovAtelApplicationsEngineering/draft_driver_page?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=NovAtelSpanSystems.png NovAtel's SPAN® systems add transparent Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) fusion with GNSS-driven positioning to provide resilient position, velocity and attitude solutions, even through GNSS disruptions.

NovAtel's SPAN profiles allow a next-level degree of accuracy.

For more information, please refer here:

SMART Antennas

https://wiki.ros.org/NovAtelApplicationsEngineering/draft_driver_page?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=NovAtelSmartAntennas.png NovAtel SMART antennas are high precision products that include a board level GNSS receiver, a GNSS antenna, and an IMU (optional) integrated into one compact enclosure.

For more information, please refer here:

Correction Services

https://wiki.ros.org/NovAtelApplicationsEngineering/draft_driver_page?action=AttachFile&do=get&target=NovAtelCorrectionServices.png NovAtel offers Precise Point Positioning (PPP) Correction Services for land, airborne or marine applications.

For more product information, please refer here:

Post-Processing Solutions

Try Waypoint software for applications requiring highly accurate post-mission position, velocity or attitude, post-processing.

For more information, please refer here:

NovAtel Applications Engineering

NovAtel's Applications Engineering team offers world-class technical and integration support for NovAtel's products and services, feel free to reach out to this team if you need help with your OEM7 product:

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2025-03-08 15:59