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Minority Report Demo

This is a kinect demo found in the mit-ros-pkg repository. For more MIT kinect demos check out the MIT Kinect Demos page.

How to Run this Demo

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Physical Setup

This works best with a projector, but any monitor will do. In order to not become confused, I highly recommend that you put the kinect over or under the monitor.


  1. Like all MIT kinect demos, you must first perform the General Installation

  2. Once your environment is setup, run:
     rosmake kgui hand_interaction skeletal_tracker


This demo uses the finger detector. To launch it run:

roslaunch hand_interaction finger_detector.launch

The launch the gui:

rosrun kgui calgui

Physical Setup

This works best with a projector, but any monitor will do. In order to not become confused, I highly recommend that you put the kinect over or under the monitor.


  1. Like all MIT kinect demos, you must first perform the General Installation

  2. make sure you get Piano Player demo running.

  3. in file kgui/rosdep.yaml, replace
    • glut:

      • ubuntu: libglut3-dev



      • ubuntu:
        • lucid:
          • apt:
            • packages: [ libglut3-dev ]
          • apt:
            • packages: [ libglut3-dev ]
          • apt:
            • packages: [ libglut3-dev ]
          • apt:
            • packages: [ freeglut3-dev ]

    rosed kgui rosdep.yaml
  4. install depencencies
    rosdep install kgui
  5. Once your environment is setup, run:
     rosmake kgui hand_interaction skeletal_tracker


This demo uses the finger detector. To launch it run:

roslaunch hand_interaction finger_detector.launch

The launch the gui:

rosrun kgui calgui

Physical Setup

This works best with a projector, but any monitor will do. In order to not become confused, I highly recommend that you put the kinect over or under the monitor.


  1. Like all MIT kinect demos, you must first perform the General Installation

  2. make sure you get Piano Player demo running.

  3. in file kgui/rosdep.yaml, replace

    • glut:
      • ubuntu: libglut3-dev

    • with

    • glut:
      • ubuntu:
        • lucid:
          • apt:
            • packages: [ libglut3-dev ]
          • apt:
            • packages: [ libglut3-dev ]
          • apt:
            • packages: [ libglut3-dev ]
          • apt:
            • packages: [ freeglut3-dev ]

    rosed kgui rosdep.yaml
  4. install depencencies
    rosdep install kgui
  5. in file kgui/src/RosGlobals.h, replace void Publish(const ros::Message& _msg) with void Publish(const rosMessage& _msg), then add template <typename rosMessage >above it.

    rosed kgui RosGlobals.h
  6. Once your environment is setup, run:
     rosmake kgui hand_interaction skeletal_tracker


This demo uses the finger detector. To launch it run:

roslaunch hand_interaction finger_detector.launch

The launch the gui:

rosrun kgui calgui

Now check the boxes 'online mode' and 'hand in'

Development Info

Nodes Involved


2025-03-08 15:57