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Only released in EOL distros:  

maggie_robot: maggie_bringup

Package Summary

maggie_bringup launchers

maggie_bringup is a package that collects together the scripts, roslaunch files, and dependencies that are required to bring the social robot Maggie into a running state.

HOW TO: Running the complete system

For running all the system is necessary the file maggie_start.launch. This launch file contains all nodes to run the complete Maggie robot.


In a terminal window, start all the process:

 $ roslaunch maggie_bringup maggie_start.launch

HOW TO: Test a specific functionality

For running the basic of the robot is necessary the file maggie_start_basic.launch. This launch file contains all nodes to run the complete Maggie robot.


 $ roslaunch maggie_bringup maggie_start_basic.launch

HOW TO: Activate the robot

Initially, the robot is in EMERGENCY state. To active the robot, you need to follow next steps:

  1. Launch at least the basic for the robot, it means, maggie_start_basic.launch.

  2. Set the robot to STOP state by touching the head.
  3. Press the two buttons bellow on the emergency remote. Now, the robot is able to move its neck and arms.
  4. If you want to move the base of the robot, it is necessary to set the robot to ACTIVE state.
  5. Touch the shoulders of the robot at the same time. Now, the robot is able to move around the world.


 $ ls -la /etc/udev/rules.d | grep maggie

 $ rosrun maggie_bringup install.sh

2025-03-08 15:57