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The main application for this package is to be used with a robotic arm, such as in the PR2 or the WAM, where the published points represent the position of the end effector at different timesteps.

Four types of end-effector trajectories are currently implemented in the package:

This package uses ROS standard data type geometric_msgs/Point and publishes reference trajectory points to the topic /traj_points.

Current version of this package only produces 2D motion (XZ plane with X assumed to be the dominant axis that goes through the initial and target position).

This package has been successfully tested in ROS Electric and Fuerte. It may not work with previous versions of ROS.


Make sure that roscore is running; if it is not, launch one.

$ roscore

Build the package in your machine.

$ rosbuild --pre-clean hesitation


$ make

Type the following command to launch the necessary servers.

$ roslaunch hesitation hesitation_ready.launch

Now you are ready to launch the trajectory generator. Open a new terminal. Usage is:

$ rosrun hesitation trajectory_generator [frequency] [xi] [yi] [zi] [xf] [yf] [zf] [mode]

where each argument is described below:

The difference between short RA and long RA is the amount of time spent at the collision point when it is detected. Short RA remains at the same position for only half the time compared to long RA.

Note that since only XZ motion is currently available, the [yf] parameter is not used, so it can take any value. But [yi] is defined as the Y-plane coordinate on space and should be a valid parameter.

An example of launching the generator with valid parameters and to follow a P-type motion is provided below:

$ rosrun hesitation trajectory_generator 100 0.6 -0.3 0.2 1.0 -0.3 0.1 1

The output should look like this:

[ INFO] [1348784846.143523089]: Z-axis motion follows: -1.840170x^2 +2.694272x + -0.754102 
[ INFO] [1348784846.144614183]: a: 0.256600, b: 0.633975, vel: 0.111111, pos: 0.626795 
[ INFO] [1348784846.145699819]: Coefficients successfully calculated. 
[ INFO] [1348784846.145818661]: tf:0.564237; pos:0.702885; 0.319977x^5 + -0.451358x^4 + 0.000000x^3 + 0.128300x^2 +0.111111x + 0.626795 
[ INFO] [1348784846.145844513]: tf:0.608616; pos:0.720966; -0.159351x^5 + 0.242459x^4 + 0.000000x^3 + -0.159092x^2 +0.093737x + 0.702885 
[ INFO] [1348784846.146816742]: Coefficients for p-type successfully calculated. 
[ INFO] [1348784846.146941125]: tf:0.564237; pos:0.728416; 0.051196x^5 + -0.072217x^4 + 0.000000x^3 + 0.020528x^2 +0.009405x + 0.720966 
[ INFO] [1348784846.146984776]: tf:0.608616; pos:0.726213; -0.025496x^5 + 0.038793x^4 + 0.000000x^3 + -0.025455x^2 +0.006625x + 0.728416 
[ INFO] [1348784848.673912967, 9715.371000000]: Spline 1 called 
[ INFO] [1348784849.101139962, 9716.176000000]: Going for reach 
[ INFO] [1348784850.633578156, 9718.588000000]: Retracting 
[ INFO] [1348784852.685514142, 9721.833000000]: Dwelling 

To verify that the trajectory is being correctly generated, you can use rxplot. In another terminal, type

$ rxplot /traj_points/x /traj_points/z

A new window should be opened, showing the format of X-axis and Z-axis trajectories in function of time.

The default setting is reach-and-retract trajectory. To change it to hesitation (depending on the mode value set), the /collision_topic must be activated. For simulation purposes, a talker node can be used as following:

$ rosrun hesitation collision_talker [0 or 1] [freq] 


Note: collision_talker is a dummy program that can simulate the sensoring in the resource. For real applications, this node should be replaced by a sensor reading giving a boolean output.

As an example, you can launch

$ rosrun hesitation collision_talker 1 1

That will inform the generator that collision has been detected and it will keep sending these messages each second. Make sure that it gets called at least twice – after launching it once and seeing as output

[ INFO] [1349829522.435118029]: Collision status: 1 
[ INFO] [1349829523.435155453]: Collision status: 1 

you can Ctrl+C and stop the talker. The motion should switch from reach-and-retract to hesitation.

2025-03-08 15:50