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Package Summary

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This package is not catkin-based package, please contact Dr Robot to get latest package.


See the Jaguar manual for prior required installations.

There are 2 packages: DrRobotMotionSensorDriver/drrobot_jaguar4x4_player. Thease packages work under ROS release: fuerte. Clone the Dr Robot Jaguar repository into your ROS workspace:

git clone git://github.com/gitdrrobot/drrobot_jaguar4x4_player.git
git clone git://github.com/gitdrrobot/DrRobotMotionSensorDriver.git

To build the Jaguar 4X4 ROS Package, please enter each package folder and run


Running Package

The demo program will public all the sensor information and received command from joystick(or keyboard) to control the robot.

After start roscore, you could use command "roslaunch drrobot_jaguar4x4player drrobot_play1.launch" to launch all the program.

It will auto load the paramter file "drrobotplayer_jaguar4x4.yaml" to ros paramter server.

If you modified IP or other setting of robot, you could edit this file.

For IMU/GPS/Camera/Laser Ranger(option), you could read the READM.md file in the folder drrobot_jaguar4x4_player.

Message Information

You could find all the message definition in folder "msg" in drrobot_jaguar4x4_player.

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2025-03-08 15:46