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The transmission of audio data takes place outside of the ROS communication system. Knowledge of hostnames and ports is provided to the server and client scripts via parameters. The server and client scripts both require a client_host and client_port. If both scripts are run on the same machine client_host can be set to localhost.

Example launch file for the server:


  <node name="gstream_server" pkg="compressed_audio_streaming" type="gstream_server.py" output="screen">
    <param name="client_host" value="localhost"/>
    <param name="client_port" value="3000"/>


Example launch file for the client:


  <node name="gstream_client" pkg="compressed_audio_streaming" type="gstream_client.py" output="screen">
    <param name="client_host" value="localhost"/>
    <param name="client_port" value="3000"/>


Once the launch files are created, start the server on the machine which has the microphones

roslaunch compressed_audio_streaming server.launch

Finally, start the client on the machine which is to receive the audio stream

roslaunch compressed_audio_streaming client.launch

Audio Devices

The server records from the default audio input, and the client plays to the default audio output.

2025-03-08 15:45