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This package provides a ROS service that implements CHAMP, an online Bayesian changepoint detection algorithm. Given a set of parameterized models, CHAMP can detect changepoints in time series data, in which the underlying model generating the data appears to change. CHAMP can detect changes between different models, as well as changes in generative parameters within a given model class.

Several model types come standard with the package (1D Gaussian, articulation models), and more can be added easily through a pluginlib interface. When adding additional models, essentially all that is required is a likelihood / BIC function for the model, and a way of fitting model parameters to a given segment of data.

This tech report describes the technical aspects of CHAMP in detail.


Currently, this package must be installed from source and also requires the articulation package to build the articulation plugin. Both are easy to build using rosmake:

   1 svn co http://alufr-ros-pkg.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/articulation
   2 git clone https://github.com/sniekum/changepoint.git
   3 cd changepoint
   4 rosmake


There are only 5 parameters of CHAMP that must be set:

NOTE: Currently, the DetectChangepoints ROS service only supports detection on batch data, despite the algorithm being online. Future updates will expose an interface that allows online usage.

Example 1: Gaussian 1-D model

This first example uses a single model, in which data is generated from a zero-mean Gaussian, but where the variance of the distribution can change between segments. Simulated data is provided in the test/data folder that contains 5 segments of Gaussian data with changing variance.

First, run the changepoint server:

   1 roslaunch changepoint changepoint_server.launch


   1 cd test
   2 python gaussTest.py

should result in: ex1.png

Model: Gaussian    Length: 41
Start: 0
End: 40
   mu : 0.0
   sigma : 2.38037437793
   log_likelihood : -93.7340487169
   model_evidence : -97.4476207836

Model: Gaussian    Length: 60
Start: 41
End: 100
   mu : 0.0
   sigma : 1.11776428109
   log_likelihood : -91.8161427535
   model_evidence : -95.9104873158

Model: Gaussian    Length: 31
Start: 101
End: 131
   mu : 0.0
   sigma : 3.18557109903
   log_likelihood : -79.9046735685
   model_evidence : -83.338660773

Model: Gaussian    Length: 49
Start: 132
End: 180
   mu : 0.0
   sigma : 1.58176429671
   log_likelihood : -91.9964906366
   model_evidence : -95.8883109347

Model: Gaussian    Length: 69
Start: 181
End: 249
   mu : 0.0
   sigma : 2.39939035641
   log_likelihood : -158.296572189
   model_evidence : -162.530678693

Example 2: Articulation models

This second example uses 3 separate models of articulated motion from the articulation package: rigid, prismatic, and revolute. This comes from work described in:

J. Sturm, C. Stachniss, and W. Burgard. A probabilistic framework for learning kinematic models of articulated objects. Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research, 41(2):477–526, 2011.

Example data is provided in the test/data folder (in the form of a difference trajectory of the poses of two objects) that contains 2 segments: rotational motion, followed by rigid motion between two objects.

First, run the changepoint server:

   1 roslaunch changepoint changepoint_server.launch


   1 cd test
   2 python articTest.py

should result in: ex2.png

Model: rotational    Length: 43
Start: 0
End: 42
   rot_radius : 0.100188846698
   rot_center.x : -0.0237696457762
   rot_center.y : -0.0232395299195
   rot_center.z : -0.00476561153689
   rot_axis.x : 0.0168210955552
   rot_axis.y : -0.0347638765967
   rot_axis.z : 0.240095357072
   rot_axis.w : 0.969980795243
   rot_orientation.x : -0.000544986444002
   rot_orientation.y : -0.0180811333546
   rot_orientation.z : 0.133017461034
   rot_orientation.w : 0.990948601425
   log_likelihood : 185.088191002
   model_evidence : 6.43118550699

Model: rigid    Length: 63
Start: 43
End: 105
   rigid_position.x : 0.0763430434138
   rigid_position.y : -0.0408163083626
   rigid_position.z : 0.00269622400637
   rigid_orientation.x : 0.0437177485907
   rigid_orientation.y : -0.019221237714
   rigid_orientation.z : 0.0095507242092
   rigid_orientation.w : 0.998813338991
   log_likelihood : 258.428841159
   model_evidence : 245.99943698

Unlike the Gaussian example, the articulation models have some parameters to tune. Currently, these are hardcoded in articulation.cpp. A brief description of each:

2025-03-08 15:43