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Package Summary
This package is used to access the sick lms400 laser range-finder. It contains all necessary functionality to communicate with the sensor via rosmessages.
- Maintainer: Meißner Pascal <asr-ros AT lists.kit DOT edu>
- Author: Aumann Florian, Krehl Yann, Meißner Pascal
- License: BSD
- Source: git (branch: master)
This package is used to access the SICK LMS400 laser range-finder. It contains all necessary functionalities to communicate with the sensor via ROS messages.
With this package you can connect to the SICK LMS 400 laserscanner. You can parameterize the scanner with filters, resolution, scan frequency, ... (see 4.3. Parameters). The parametrization can be specified via ROS parameters in a yaml file.
The package creates a connection to the SICK LMS 400 with the wanted parameters and shows/publish the data onto a ROS topic.
You must build the package and parameterize the connection parameters (in a yaml file or in the source code: lms400_node.cpp).
Needed hardware
A SICK lms400 2D Laserscanner is required to use this package.
Start system
rosrun asr_sick_lms_400 asr_sick_lms_400
ROS Nodes
Published Topics
_/laser_scan_ (sensor_msgs/LaserScan.msg)
Includes an array of all scanned points of one iteration, with its distance information.
Connection parameters:
hostname (string)
- Hostname of the PC (IP address).
passwort (string)
- Passwort of the laserscanner.
port (int)
- Number of the port, to which the laserscanner is connected.
Filter parameters:
filter (int)
- Indicates which filter should be used.
0 (disabled)
1 (enable median filter)
2 (enable edge filter)
4 (enable range filter)
8 (enable mean filter)
enable_eRIS (int)
Enables extended RIS detectivity. If you want to measure objects with remission values < 10%, you can extend the so-called Remission Information System (RIS) on the LMS4000.
mean_filter_parameter (int)
- Defines the number of means for the mean filter. Possible values: 2 ... 200
range_filter_parameter_min, range_filter_parameter_max (int)
Define a specific range within which measured values are valid and are output. Possible values: [+700.0 ... +3000.0 <bottom limit> ... +3000.0]
Lascerscan parameters:
angular_resolution (double)
- Angular resolution. Valid values are: 0.1 ... 1 (with 0.1 degree increments)
scanning_frequency (int)
- Scanning frequency. Valid values are: -200 ... 500Hz (on the LMS400-0000) / 360 ... 500Hz (on the LMS400-1000)
enable_laser (bool)
- Enables/Disables the laserscanner.
min_angle, max_angle (int)
- Defines the minimum / maximum angle of the laser unit (where the scan should start / end). Valid values: 55 ... 125 degrees