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Source install of the Shadow Robot Stack

These instructions will help you install the Shadow Robot stack directly from the sources. If you discover problems installing them on other platforms, please contact us: ugo@shadowrobot.com or contact@shadowrobot.com

Installation Instructions

These instructions cover installing the Shadow Robot stack from the stable branch of our code hosted on:

To get more information about our robots, please refer to the Shadow Robot page.

You should have a running copy of ROS already installed on your computer before going further. Please refer to the ROS Installation Instruction

1. Installation

To install, simply download the install file corresponding to your version of ROS:

Then run, substituting with the correct pathes:

 rosinstall  /path/to/new_package/install  sr.rosinstall /path/to/current/ros/install

In my case it is:

rosinstall /opt/ros/others/ sr.rosinstall /opt/ros/diamondback

In case you get a permission error due to publickey, this means you may not be considered as anonymous user and require a passphrase. A workaround is to get anonymous user again, look at ~/.bazaar/bazaar.conf and temporarily remove the line launchpad-login = <username>

Then don't forget to source the new setup.bash file as stated at the end of the install process.

2. Building the code

2.1. sr_hand Package

There are different ways of compiling the sr_hand package:

$ rosmake --rosdep-install sr_hand sr_hardware_interface sr_mechanism_controllers sr_mechanism_model sr_gazebo_plugins

$ GAZEBO=1 rosmake --rosdep-install sr_hand sr_hardware_interface sr_mechanism_controllers sr_mechanism_model sr_gazebo_plugins

$ REAL_HAND=1 rosmake --rosdep-install sr_hand sr_hardware_interface sr_mechanism_controllers sr_mechanism_model sr_gazebo_plugins

$ REAL_ARM=1 rosmake --rosdep-install sr_hand sr_hardware_interface sr_mechanism_controllers sr_mechanism_model sr_gazebo_plugins

$ VALVES=1 rosmake --rosdep-install sr_hand sr_hardware_interface sr_mechanism_controllers sr_mechanism_model sr_gazebo_plugins

2.2. Building the extra packages

You can also build a set of extra packages, which can be useful to control our hardware:

$ rosmake --rosdep-install sr_control_gui cyberglove sr_remappers sr_tactile_sensors sr_kinematics

If you want to build useful ROS packages for our stack, such as Rviz, Gazebo, etc... just run:

$ rosmake --rosdep-install sr_convenient_dependencies

Please note that you need a decent computer to run some of those.


1. Missing lipng++-dev

On certain operating systems, lipng++-dev can be missing. You can install it from a debian package.

Where to go from here?

You should have a look at our Documentation and also check the Tutorials.

2025-03-08 13:24