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Robotino300.png ROS Software Maintainer: Hozefa Indorewala for REC GmbH

Robotino is a popular mobile robot system developed by Festo Didactic. Robotino comes with sensors, actuators and software interfaces that you would expect from a modern state of the art mobile robot system.

Robots using ROS.


Sensors & Actuators

Robotino is equipped with the following sensors:

  1. Infrared sensors
  2. Bumper sensor
  3. Optical sensors
  4. Inductive sensors
  5. Colour Camera

Robotino can be further enhanced by equipping it with the following sensors. These sensors can be also purchased from the online store robotparts.de

  1. Kinect Sensor
  2. Hokuyo Laser Range Finder


For bug reports, feature requests and other help, please use the OpenRobotino Forum.

2025-03-08 13:24