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Robot packages installation


In this section we will present the configuration and installation of all required packages for the robot.

Workstation network setup

Please connect the Ethernet switcher with the wifi broadcaster through the white RJ45 cable located in the back of the robot. Then, plug in mainboard to the switcher. Power up the robot and make sure to connect the workstation to the Mini-Lab Wi-Fi. Edit the configuration menu with the suitable addresses.

Ubuntu Network Configuration Screen

After the configuration of the network, you have to export the address of the workstation. In new terminal type in:

$ echo export ROS_MASTER_URI=http://192.168.0.XXX:11311 >> ~/.bashrc
$ echo export ROS_HOSTNAME=IP_OF_WORKSTATION >> ~/.bashrc

The first commands is essential to establish the link with the robot. In the second command you have to type the workstation configured IP.

After fully configuring the network. Connect via “SSH” to the robot

Connect to the Mini-Lab Robot

To connect use the SSH command line on the workstation

$ ssh user@192.168.0.XXX

The robot defaults IDs are:

Username: user
Password: #user

Now, you are connected to the robot and you can launch files on the robot’s hard disk.

Mini-Lab packages installation

After Creating your catkin_ws and the src folder, download the Mini-Lab robot packages minilab_hardware from the GitHub repository: https://github.com/Enova-Robotics/Mini-Lab.

To start using the Mini-Lab, you should add the packages in the directory catkin_ws/src/ in the Mini-Lab.

The packages should be ready after compiling the workspace:

$ cd ~/catkin_ws/
$ catkin_make

Add the following lines to the bashrc file in the workstation:

export ROS_HOSTNAME=workstation_ip_adress

2025-03-08 13:21