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This ROS package is intended to collect data from topics, transform, store, manage and send them to a MongoDB server. Being designed to maintain the collection even in connection drops with the server.


To install this ROS package:

   1 cd ~/catkin_ws/src
   2 git clone https://github.com/alf767443/node_monitoring.git
   3 sudo chmod +x src/bufferManager.py src/listenNode.py src/queueActions.py
   4 cd ..
   5 catkin_make

Installation of ros_monitoring is recommended. Check the link:


Mapped robots

There are some robots with some of their nodes already mapped. This way you can substitute the line

   1 ~/catkin_ws/src$ git clone https://github.com/alf767443/node_monitoring.git

as described in the subtopics below:

Magni Silver robotic platform of CeDRI

It is a brach created for the AMR developed by the Research Centre in Digitalization and Intelligent Robotics (CeDRI), based on the Magni Silver robotics platform from Ubiquity Robotics.

   1 git clone -b MagniSilver_CeDRI  https://github.com/alf767443/node_monitoring.git


   1 ROBOT_NAME =  'bigCedDRI'
   2 DATALAKE   =  'CeDRI_Magni'


TelloEdu of CeDRI

This branch was created for the DJI TelloEdu drone, which uses *tello_drive*.

   1 git clone -b TelloEdu  https://github.com/alf767443/node_monitoring.git


   1 ROBOT_NAME =  'Tello_01'
   2 DATALAKE   =  'CeDRI_TelloEdu'


Topics (topics.py)

This file is a configuration file in which are described the topics that will be subscribed (topic), the message type (msg), the waiting time between captures (sleep), data manipulation function (callback), storage information (dataSource, dataBase, collection).


   1 {
   2 'topic'   : --The topic name,
   3 'msg'     : --The type of message
   4 'sleep'   : --Sample time [optional, 1]
   5 'callback': --Callback function [optional, None]
   6 'dataPath': {
   7         'dataSource': --Name of data source in MongoDB [optional, config.DATASOURCE]
   8         'dataBase'  : --Name of data base in MongoDB [optional, config.DATALAKE]
   9         'collection': --Name of collection in MongoDB [optional, topic name]
  10         }
  11 }

Configurations (config.py)

This file contains the settings of values robot name (ROBOT_NAME), database (DATALAKE), MongoDB server address (CLIENT) and buffer path (PATH).


   1 PATH        = os.path.expanduser('~')+'/tempData/'
   2 ROBOT_NAME  = 'New Robot'
   3 DATALAKE    = "CeDRI_New_Robot"
   4 CLIENT      = pymongo.MongoClient('mongodb://')

More information

This package was developed as part of the thesis for Master in Industrial Engineering with specialization in Electrical Engineering at Polytechnic Institute of Bragança (IPB), the work was developed at the Research Centre in Digitalization and Intelligent Robotics (CeDRI). The project consists of three repositories with the links below:



Dashboard front-end

Dashboard back-end

2025-03-08 12:14