Devuan Jessie ARM builds ======================== These are the images offered. I kindly ask of you to test them out and report all weirdness as an issue on, as a Devuan bug (, or on the #devuan-arm IRC channel. SHA256SUMS are signed with parazyd's GPG key that can be found in the Devuan Developers' Keyring: Master fingerprint is: 0333 7671 FDE7 5BB6 A85E C91F B876 CB44 FA1B 0274 The login credentials for these images are: root:toor Consult to see if there is anything you should know about a specific image. The images use recent kernels (4.10, 4.6, and such) which causes a specific issue when you try to resize or fsck ext{2,3,4}: they use some ext4 features not yet available in the standard Devuan Jessie e2fsprogs. Because of this, you are advised to install e2fsprogs from jessie-backports if you are in need of using these tools on these images. Currently supported images: * Acer Chromebook (chromeacer) * Veyron/Rockchip Chromebook (chromeveyron) * Nokia N900 (n900) * Odroid XU (odroidxu) * Raspberry Pi 0 and 1 (raspi1) * Raspberry Pi 2 and 3 (raspi2) * Raspberry Pi 3 64bit (raspi3) Allwinner boards with mainline U-Boot and mainline Linux can be booted using the sunxi image, and flashing the according u-boot blob found in the u-boot directory here. The filenames are board-specific, but this file is commonly known as "u-boot-sunxi-with-spl.bin". Currently supported Allwinner boards: * Olimex OLinuXino Lime (A10) * Olimex OLinuXino Lime (A20) * Olimex OLinuXino Lime2 (A20) * Olimex OLinuXino MICRO (A20) * Banana Pi (A20) * Banana Pro (A20) * CHIP (R8) * CHIP Pro (GR8) * Cubieboard (A10) * Cubieboard2 (A20) * Cubietruck (A20) * Cubieboard4 (A80) * Cubietruck Plus (A83t) * Lamobo R1 (A20) * OrangePi2 (H3) * OrangePi Lite (H3) * OrangePi Plus (H3) * OrangePi Zero (H2+) * OrangePi (A20) * OrangePi Mini (A20) * Allwinner-based q8 touchscreen tablet (A33) INSTALLATION ------------ other useful documentation can be found here: * 1. -- Download the image you want: ; curl -O 2. -- Download the shasums and the signature: ; curl -O ; curl -O 3. -- Verify: ; gpg --verify SHA256SUMS.asc && sha256sum -c SHA256SUMS 4. -- dd the raw image to a medium of your choice (little less than 2GB): ; xzcat devuan_jessie_1.0.0_armhf_sunxi.img.xz | sudo dd of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=2M 5. -- In case it's a sunxi image, grab your respective u-boot blob, and flash it: ; curl -O ; sudo dd if=Cubieboard2_defconfig.bin of=/dev/mmcblk0 bs=1024 seek=8 && sync